- Reads everything
- Hobby gardener
- Plays (a little) guitar and piano
About us

Sustainable and full of energy
At Orange Juice, we get an energy boost from investing in sustainability, vitality, personal and creative development. For example, we support Trees for All by planting 480 new trees every year. We choose sustainable coffee and tea from Peeze, use (hybrid) electric cars and work from an energy-efficient office with energy label A.
We do not only invest in the world around us, we also like to stimulate the ‘inner world’ of our employees. With the Orange Boost Yourself (OBY) budget, we give our employees the space to invest in what gives them energy. Whether it's sports, a cooking course, making their home more sustainable or a creative hobby, with a personal OBY budget of €700 a year, our employees can actively pursue the four themes themselves. We also support a healthy lifestyle at the office with ‘healthy breaks’ full of fruit, snacks and competitive games.
Ons team